Chaim Chumash v1.04(Updated 6/5/24)
Take Chaim on a adventure across multiple worlds, solving puzzles, overcoming dangers and delivering Hebrew Word Blocks to their English translations.

Controls: Use the Keyboard or a Controller!
Move-Arrow keys or WASD
Jump-Space, X or J
Grab Blocks-Shift, Z or K to

Hi, my name is Tally! I’m a talking Talmud AND a game developer!
It’s been almost 1 year since I joined Torah Games! It’s been so much fun, I love meeting fans of the website. People often ask me when is Chaim Chumash going to be finished?
Chaim Chumash is one of our oldest games, a platforming adventure where you learn the words of the Torah. While the game was unfinished, it captured the hearts of Torah Gamers across the world. Who never lost hope that one day someone would pick up the torch and finish the game.
This would be a daunting task, as for various reasons the original game’s code and art would have to be completely remade from scratch.
Well friends, after much effort I have done exactly that and made a brand new Chaim Chumash game.
Vocab System

The Game uses a elaborate system to introduce new words to the player, correct them when they make mistakes, record words they master, run reviews and even in the end scores them based on their performance!
If you want to know more about how the game teaches vocabulary words to the player check out Millim Flash Cards! They use the same system to introduce and teach words.
please make Chaim chumash more like mario
In what way do you want the Chaim to be more like Mario?
Would you like Chaim to wear red overalls and grow a bushy mustache?
haha red overalls and mustache
maybe make that an option for 1 of his clothes upgrades!
Pease Do not make chaim chumash more like mario
The game teaches you how to play. Any specific questions?
so fun!
very nise
It’s so hard to jump when you have to use the space bar, can it be changed that you can jump with the up arrow?
Sure, you got it! You can now use the up key to jump!
i tried using the up key to jump it does not work
You may not have the latest version of the game! It should say 1.03 or higher.
try holding CTRL on your keyboard and clicking the reload button in your browser at the same time to force the game to update.
Can you make the game harder and more levels?
I’ll be updating the game with new levels!
can you make it easier with more levels
It would be good to add more easy levels !
i don’t want chaim chumash to be like mario, i want it to be less like mario
I beat The Game, Got all the skins, its pretty fun, I’ll play it again
That’s great to hear! Thanks!
I plan to continue to update the game with more levels in the future.
Hi overall i like it but please by skins can you make the real old chaim like in the one that is the old version thanks
While people have enjoyed the new game, there have been a lot of questions as to why I needed to make a entirely new game, with a new art style.

It wasn’t possible to update the original game for multiple reasons, but the graphics is fairly simple to explain.
They were from other games. Here is an example.
Ya I guess thats pretty fair
can you make more skin please thanks
Glad you enjoyed them! Which ones are your favorites?
on the first face block level the block dosnt move for you to jump on it help
wow thank you so much for catching this Aryeh! You deserve a gold star! I went ahead and fixed it!
thank you it was getting me scared for a moment there
whats a first face block
We were talking about the Stone Block with a Face on it
Oh now i get it you mean the one that moves?
The Strawberry one and blond one
Hello Tally Talmud How Are you I found the Game very enjoyable But can you please make more mushroom levels and more levels with enemies you can defeat by jumping on there heads i also found the bee level very diffucult because i can not defeat the bee by jumping on there head
Thank you for the constructive feedback!
I’ll try to keep that in mind!
As far as the bees go, you can if you put the block down get up to the top of the level and jump on their heads.
Hello, I played tally Talmud it is very nice but here are a few things that i would like you to improve:
From Miss Gordon
Vancouver Canada
PS. Please Respond In clear answer thank you
Hi Miss Gordan! Thanks for the feedback.
It’s hard for me to know what accommodations kids need, the best thing I can do is watch them play for the first time, see where they get stuck and make adjustments, but that’s not always possible. If you can tell me specific situations or instances where more instructions were needed that would be great.
I agree that having the tutorials be read out loud would be a good improvement, I’d also like to visually show the keys you are supposed to press on screen.
Chaim Chumash has a hundred different frames of animation and redrawing them would take up too much time and be out of our budget at the moment. I used a clever trick by writing code that changes the colors of his pixels.
I can make more outfits in the future using this technology.
Collecting all the fruit gives players a optional more challenging way to engage with the level and I want to continue to encourage that. But having a way to get coins by mastering words, completing vocabulary lists is a nice idea. Perhaps I should make a new set of outfits you have to unlock though mastering words.
Thank You For Understanding my look at chaim chumash.
Thank you for the reply it was very helpful…
Can you please make more levels? my kids are begging for more.
Yes we need more levels!
I agree, power ups would be nice.
Hey, thank you so much for making this game! I really enjoy it! However, I am not able to figure out the bee level. How do I do it?
Oh that is a really really hard one! I recommend going though the level and climbing up to take out all the bees first and then going though with the blocks.
I noticed an issue where, after you ‘pray for help’, the double jumping doesn’t work on the up key, and it doesn’t jump like normal. Instead you have to use the space bar.
Good catch! Thanks, I fixed it in this new update 1.04
I tried, but it the up key double jumping is still being weird!
make sure you have version 1.04 or greater.
I do. Double jumping with the up key still isn’t working. I don’t know why.
I’m testing it on my end and double jumping works fine. I don’t know what to tell you, I can’t fix something I can’t see.
Also, when you try to use wasd keys to move, the w doesn’t work as an up key. Sorry that I keep annoying you with these stuff
That’s easy to add, I don’t mind making the w key work as a jump as well. No problem, you’re not annoying me! Next version will have that as well.
Thanks! And hopefully, when you update the game the up key will work for me.
theres a version 1.05?
Not yet
Well when is it coming???!!!
I do use double jump but it does not work to get some stuff when i could get without a double jump can you fix it
I’m not sure what the problem is with double jumping. You need to hold down the jump key to reach you max height and then right as you are about to fall you jump again to get the most out of it.
Ya you can get hi but when i use it you can not go forward
I still don’t see the issue sorry. I’ve tested it on my end.
Would it work if i send you a picture
It’s worth trying! A video would be better.
can you please make more levels and when you get out you don’t have to restart?
Working on more levels!
Pray for help and you won’t need to restart for that level anymore!
is there some where i am suposed to login
Nah you don’t need to create an account.
i can you make more HARD levels and skins?
whats a semi solid platform
great question! semi solid platforms are the thin platforms you can stand on, but can jump up through or drop down from.
hey can you make it harder and when are you making more levels please
Working on new levels! Thank you!
Love these new updates!
Thanks for the new chaim chumash i really learn more words.
I want a few more updates:
1 : please make more levels with birds and mushrooms
2 : make something that gives you lives and don’t die right away but you shorten or get smaller and then you get lives, like 3 lives or something
Thank you
Thank you! I want to more levels too!
can you make more mushroom levels
1. I want old chaim to have a beard too! But it would take too much time to draw.
2. Sorry It’s not supposed to be a hard level! Jump on the StoneFace and ride them to the top, getting off before you get squished on the roof. Then drop with blocks down the center waiting for when the StoneFaces aren’t moving.
hey tally, if you read this I found many levels to be a bit too hard, do you think you could make it so the levels get gradually harder over time, as the difficulty curve is not ideal in my opinion. you don’t have to do this, it’s just my idea.
p.s: could we play as either a male or female character? just an idea 🙂
Thanks Daniel!
Yes I’d like to make the harder levels optional.
There aren’t very many levels at the moment, I’ll need more to make a better difficulty curve.
It would be nice to have a female character but it would be too time consuming to redraw all the images of Chaim
just add hair replace pants with a skirt remove kippah and presto you have a female chaim chumash
Maybe someday. Here is every sprite of Chaim.
it looks intresting what is it any way
Those are the images that would need to be redrawn to make a new character or outfit
Oh lots of work i see
Could you make it that when we play chaim chumash there is a way to skip
we could skip the reviews???
Reviewing what you learned is a important part of the educational process. If you know the words it might feel repetitive so I’ve tried to make a variety of review levels.
If you do it wrong in the review like if you put a word by the inccorect translation it skips the review
It ends the review early, adds your mistake to the words to learn and then will start the review again after you have mastered two more words.
I Never realized,
Dear Tally Talmud,
I am enjoying the Chaim Chumash game, and though I can see that you are getting lots of messages about changes, I hope you will also listen to mine:
Is it possible to have the more expensive outfits also allow you to gain a bonus ability? This will motivate people to collect coins/fruit more.Maybe make a storyline behind it? Like how in Zooming Zalmy, there’s a story behind why Zalmy is doing what he does in the game. Just an idea, but it might make the game more interesting.Maybe make it so you can only skip a total of (for example) 3 levels? Otherwise people might use it to skip to the end of the game and not actually learn anything.Please respond with a clear answer.
Thank you, and thank you for this amazing game!
Thank you for the thoughtful message!!
Yes a storyline with a clear goal would be nice!
You have to get a game over before you can skip a level, so It’s a good option if you are feeling stuck.
Some players will need to use the skip option while others won’t. I think it’s fine as it is.
You’re very welcome! Glad you like the game! I’m looking forward to adding more content!
thanks! Also, unrelated to Chaim Chumash, maybe make something about coding? Like a video that shows how you code games, or a code-it-yourself torahgame. I’m really curious how you make these awesome games!
how do you defeat this monster
Put a word block on the moving platform while it’s solid, then when it’s above the stone golem toggle the on/off switch to drop it onto them.
How do you get the marbles here???
Ya how??????
What marbles?
The fruit or whatever it looks like marbles not kiwis
Ah it’s kiwis. You put a block on the platform while it’s solid and stand on the block to jump up and catch the kiwis
make it easier
I’d like to make it so the harder levels are optional!
when are there going to be more levels
Good question! I agree we need more levels!
My students love the game. it has helped them a lot. Thank so much for your hard work and dedication. I have new students coming in and I need to start them from the begining of level 1 but I can’t find a way to do that. How can I start from the begining?
So glad to hear it! Yes absolutely, that’s a easy thing to add. I’ve updated the game, in the settings on the title screen you can reset your progress in the game.
can you make it availible with two different acounts so that you can have to kids play on one computer and stay on different levels?
Sorry I don’t currently support multiple save files. Good suggestion, I did add the ability to erase your current save file.
please make more skins
keep updating the levels and suits!! Please!!!
Yes! Please do!
Please make a suit like a fireman and a king
That would be very nice if you can!
Can You make power ups like make that you can go faster? Or like get a shield for a full level etc.? And make more Chaim’s?
ya culd u pls
I don’t understand why it is cut off
good catch. I fixed it and it will be in the next version I release. the program for autotiling levels isn’t checking outside the view of the room.
it not cut of for me
ya what happened it so annoying why is it black its ment to be wood or somthing
Ah good catch with POSSESSIONS/BELONGINGS. That’s weird bug, I draw the word in transparent black for the shadow and then again in white but it formats differently.
I fixed it, it will be in the next update.
I dont get why instead of wood there is black in the middle
so why
There could be a inside pattern, it would take time to make one and apply it to the 47 tiles that make up a auto tile set.
no cuz b4 it was fully wood
can you make the music of Chaim Chumash be the Mario music
That would be against the law and could get the game taken down. Unless…can you get Mr. Mario to write a permission slip allowing me to use all his music?
Hi tally talmud maybe you can stop with this mario bussnies its really getting to me because i want chaim chumash to be like chaim chumash NOT mario
Yes I agree. Chaim Chumash should be it’s own Game and not try to be Mario. I’m only joking about getting Mario’s permission.
i know it was a joke
also thank you so much this game is really good.
You’re so welcome!!
I really love this game! Thank you so much for making this, also it would be very nice if you can make power-ups like going very quick etc… and also I finished all the levels like 10+ times and I have all the skins with like 175 shekels and I want to do something with them
Wow I’m honored! So glad you’re enjoying it so much! I’m working on adding more content. Thanks for letting me know!
Can you please make more skins like a green chaim
can you make a yellow chaim
a chaim with sunglasses
and a watermelon chaim
Maybe I should make a chaim maker instead.
Ya you should
maybe u can make it a feature on the chaim chumash level maker
I would also like it with power ups, also I got all the skins and still have like 270 (the number keep’s growing) Shekels and have nothing to do with it
Wow amazing! Thanks for sharing. Take a screenshot next time if you can.
this is what I got up to
Wow!! Thanks for being such a dedicated player! I wish you could help us make more levels.
so cool
how are you meant to get past this?
Good point! I fixed it. The next version will have a way to get out.
When is the next version coming
Going to be a while.
Hi tally Chaim Chumash is so fun to play but will you make any other games?
Also it would be nice to have a female character in chaim chumash!
I do appreciate you recreating chaim chumash but will you be updating the old version?
Thank you Golda! Glad you liked it!
I’ll be making more levels for Chaim Chumash and looking forward to making new games in the future, it will just take a while!
Speaking of making a female version of Chaim would take time away from me drawing other things. I’d rather make a new game that stars a female character.
The old version of chaim chumash couldn’t be updated. I needed to make a new version from scratch.
it doesn’t save my shagalim or the skins i buy
Oh that’s not good, are you having trouble saving all progress? or just the skins you buy?
correction: it takes away my shagalim and skins every once in a while and when it does that it also restarts the game
I don’t know what a shagalim is.
But when I update the game sometimes I add new levels and set the game to start at the beginning.
This is a temporary solution, eventually you’ll be able to pick which levels to play.
They ment shgalim like the money
ahh thank you!
on the level with the blocks how do you get a shekel?
Can you send me a screenshot of the level or describe it in more detail?
the level that has stones with a face there is a apple in the air that i can’t get to how do i get to it
there are several apples in the air. it would help if you took a screenshot.
How do you get the word to its place on the top right on the bee level
chaim chumash is a copy of renegade frog
I was confused by what you meant by this but I get it now.
While I drew some of the art myself, some of the art in the game comes from a open license art pack that has been widely used in other games. The game you played must have also used it.
this is a great game
can you make super hard levels?
can you make a way to view the skins without purchasing them?
why does it freeze here?
I’m not sure! Thank’s for sharing! I’ll take a look
Can You make police Chaim to have a hat?
No plans for hats at the moment but it would be nice
Is it possible to make it that when we comment we dont need to wait for aprooval
Sorry, some people like to post inappropriate stuff in the comments so I have to manually approve all of them.
that makes sence
please make more skins
make more mushroom levels